Every year, an increasing number of men, not only mature, but also quite young, suffer from sexual disorders. This causes irritability, the development of depression and brings discord into the measured lives of couples and the relationships of young people. A successful solution to the problem depends on a timely visit to a specialist and completion of a course of drug therapy. The doctor has in his arsenal several drugs to increase male potency. Some of them act instantly, but have a wide range of side effects, while others, on the contrary, act gradually, but do not harm the body. The choice of a specific product depends on the purpose of use.
Medications for sexual impotence
To help representatives of the stronger sex who face erectile dysfunction, the pharmaceutical industry annually produces many medications. Not a single medicine, even the safest one at first glance, should be taken without consulting a specialist. Firstly, it may not be suitable or ineffective, and secondly, it may mask alarming symptoms and lead to the progression of a serious illness.
Reason for resorting to medication
According to studies, a decrease in potency most often occurs at the age of 45-50, which is due to the influence of negative factors, internal and age-related changes and the presence of concomitant diseases. But recently, sexual disorders have also been observed among young people under thirty years of age.
Experts say that weakened potency never appears suddenly. Often, isolated misfires are not perceived by men as a dangerous sign. Already at the initial stages of its occurrence, characteristic conditions become noticeable, which should be the reason for contacting a specialist.
- Deterioration or absence of erectile capacity. A man cannot put his genitals in a state of tension.
- Premature ejaculation, even in people with extensive sexual experience.
- Weakness. Inability to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse, from the beginning until ejaculation.
- Absence of involuntary self-excitation of the genital organ, which occurs at night or in the morning.
- A decrease or total loss of sexual desire, but not because you cannot, but because of a lack of desire.
The external signs of erectile dysfunction are:
- Shyness. A man avoids contact with a woman because he is doomed to failure in bed.
- Emotional imbalance. Constant "misfires" and thoughts on this topic make a man gloomy, irritable and gradually aggressive.
- Low self-esteem. Sexual disorder changes character, develops anxiety, uncertainty and isolation.
- Unhealthy lifestyle. A man with potency problems tries to compensate for failures in bed by eating a lot, smoking and drinking alcohol.
Attention! To prevent the conditions described above from occurring, you should put aside false shame and turn to a specialist for qualified advice and help. After a complete diagnosis, he will prescribe medication.
All pills for men to increase potency are usually divided according to the current classification. There are many medicines, each of which must be selected taking into account the following factors:
- reasons for the development of pathologies and the presence of existing complications;
- the nature of power disturbances and the degree of their complexity;
- age category;
- concomitant diseases existing acutely or chronically;
- medications taken.
Based on the classification, experts identify drugs that differ in principle of action, frequency of administration and dosage:
- phosphodiesterase inhibitors;
- NOT synthase activators;
- androgens;
- alpha-blockers;
- prostaglandin E analogues;
- myotropic antispasmodics;
- Dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies.
Taking into account the speed of their action, there are two categories of medicines.
- Selective inhibitors. They are called instant erection medications. The main components of the drugs activate the work of certain enzymes, resulting in relaxation of the muscle fibers of the reproductive organ. Blood flow increases, tension occurs in the penis and its size increases. The effect of the drug becomes noticeable after 30-60 minutes and lasts for several hours.
- Dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies. These drugs act more systemically, but the effect appears much slower. They activate metabolic processes, increase blood flow, normalize erectile function and strengthen the body as a whole.
Medicines in the first group have a large list of restrictions and side effects, while medicines belonging to the second group are completely safe because they consist of herbal ingredients.
Review of popular drugs
On the modern pharmaceutical market and in any pharmacy there is a wide variety of drugs that increase potency. It is difficult for a simple patient without medical education and special knowledge to choose the ideal medicine. However, the effectiveness of the treatment depends on the right choice.
Traditional medicines
You can buy any pill to increase male potency in a pharmacy without a prescription. Another option is to buy medicines on special websites in online stores.
Dietary Supplements and Vitamins for Men
Dietary supplements are prescribed to patients who, due to circumstances, cannot take conventional medications. They are popular due to the absence of contraindications and side effects, although they have a large list of useful actions. The disadvantages include the selectivity of influence: if a product helps one man 100%, for another it may become absolutely useless.
Fast-acting medications
Instant action remedies to increase potency in men are very different from medicines with a natural composition. They have a number of advantages that make them popular among the stronger sex.
- The presence of potent components such as sildenafil.
- Rapid effect, manifested 30-60 minutes after administration, lasting from 4 hours to a day.
- No negative impact on sperm composition and quality.
- Possibility of single use to obtain fast-acting results.
- Clinically proven efficacy.
- Availability of quality certificates and documents proving the safety of the medicine.
- Affordable price.
The following types of medicines are considered the most popular and sought after in their group.
Contraindications, side effects, overdose
Most potency-enhancing drugs contain powerful active ingredients of synthetic origin, which have different effects on the functions of other organs.
- The cardiovascular system. Pills that promote instant erection increase the load on the heart muscle and blood vessels, therefore they are contraindicated for those suffering from disorders of this nature.
- Vision. The list of side effects includes tearing, irritation of the mucous membrane, impaired color perception and narrowing of the visual field. After discontinuation of the medication, these symptoms disappear on their own.
- General health. During the period of using anti-impotence pills, abdominal discomfort and headaches may occur.
Advice! Experts say that medications in this category can cause serious health problems, which is why they are not recommended for women and young people under 18 years of age.
Potent medications are also contraindicated for the following conditions and diagnoses:
- for cardiovascular pathologies;
- arterial hypertension and hypotension;
- severe kidney or liver failure;
- blood diseases, including bleeding disorders;
- for nervous system dysfunctions;
- suffered a heart attack or stroke less than six months ago;
- Crohn's disease;
- simultaneous intake of nitrates;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
You need to start taking medications with minimal doses and no more than 1-2 times a week. Combining them with alcohol is strictly prohibited.
Men's opinions
Pills to increase potency are a great way to solve sexual problems. Studying patient reviews, we can conclude that selective inhibitors are popular as "miracle" drugs with immediate effect. But doctors say that natural medicines that have a complex effect on the body are more beneficial and safer for erection.
The use of medicines and dietary supplements is prescribed individually by the doctor. Frequency of use and dosage depend on many different factors, from age to concomitant diseases. A properly selected medication can not only restore erectile function, but also improve the quality of life. This was confirmed by practice and numerous reviews of patients who underwent therapy and got rid of the disorder.